"Nie wiem jak Ci to powiedzieć" tekst Anety Szyłak

"Nie wiem jak Ci to powiedzieć" tekst Anety Szyłak do wystawy, która odbyła się w BWA Zielona Góra w zasie od 3 lipca do 26 lipca 2020 roku;




"Reflection" about the exchibition of Anna Orbaczewska, Gdansk 2016



Flashback / You never know

Anna Orbaczewska's paintings are a story of the art of painting and emotion which has been encapsulated in the series. There two elements whose balance, or lack of balance, determines the message of each painting – none of Orbaczewska's works can manage without a painterly, figurative subject and the presence of a sensed atmosphere of tension, projected onto this "ground". 



Podejrzane, Pets

I am interested in circumstances that arise when culture and religion cross paths. I observe how these two themes influence the formation of social norms, and how particular social roles are bestowed upon individuals. Through my painting I examine and attempt to unveil the pattern-formation process that shapes or changes our behavior, expression and perception.



Too Beautiful to be True.

Anna Orbaczewska in her "Suspicious 2" series paints the things which are well known to her, the contemporary bourgeoisie. She Peeps at the society in which she was brought up and represents it in her paintings, consequently denouncing its suspicious activities. She asks to what extent we are able to identify ourselves with the things imposed onto us by culture and consider them our own needs. Orbaczewska's paintings usually present idyllic, often familial scenes, such as a walk in the woods or play in the lake – the scenes, the photographs of which might easily be placed in a family album. Everything is well and goodin them. A family album, as Susan Sontag writes, is the way in which a given family wants to be perceived. Orbaczewska, by the introduction of text into her paintings, makes her Arcadian scenes deal with that which is missing in such albums, that which is hidden underneath the pretty surface, what we would like to hide from the rest of society. There is no loneliness, tiredness, weeping, pain, frustration, violence nor fear in them. However, we can find all of these things in the artist's works, only seemingly idyllic.
